
So we are saved from a Judgement Day - is it? May 21st as proclaimed was going to be the end of the world but it was not - should we be sad or happy???

Anyways if such weird ideas can become worldwide phenomenon I have few that atleast can make one smile...

- We all read expiry dates on packages - Right?
Now my question is what is this expiry date's time - is it morning, evening or night? What if this package or good is transported to a different time zone - does it prolong the expiry time or it perishes faster. What about information on exterior factors like humidity, temperature, heat/cold etc - do these make a difference. How are we supposed to just part with something just because it says Expires on so and so date....

- Waiting Rooms in Hospitals - most of us probably have been there.
Why is this room not called the Healthy Ward? Like the Psychiatric, Maternity, Surgical etc wards. Why is it called a Waiting Room - are be waiting to be sick and transported to one of these wards?

- What if Steve Jobs was around at the time of Genesis?
Would Eve had bit the Apple or simple played with it? If God wanted Eve to bite the Apple would Steve Jobs have created an Apple Vibrator or would he have charged God for extra upgrades to make the Apple soft to be bitten.

- Microsoft in their interviews used to ask why are manhole round.
It did baffle many applicants - but if I were at that interview I would confront the interviewer - Why are the called Manholes? Man has few holes in their bodies to carry out respective functions. Should not these holes be called Road Holes or Sidewalk Holes or Highway Holes?

- It took 10 years for the "Intelligence Service" - 10 full years to find Osama.
Now people working in the "Intelligence Services" got paid for nothing for 9 years plus minus. Have you ever tried telling your superiors - I am looking into the matter - will take me say 3-4 days to resolve this. What will be the bosses reaction?

Are you Baffled or Simple bored reading this post - like the kids in the above picture - I don't blame you - it was just a little waste of your time not the END of the WORLD - was it?


Rià said...

ha ha i think i am baffled!! :D How r u doin?

ceedy said...


I am doing great...how is London treating you...enjoying...

Stupidosaur said...

well ceedy bhai! long time!

i'll try to put some concerns to rest ;)

1)about the expiry date, time shouldn't be worried about, because the date itself is not of much concern!

2)We cannot be sure if person in waiting room is truly healthy!

3) Eve did bite the apple. Thats why the apple logo has a bite. And actually the iBrator launch was a big failure since customer base was of one person only :P

4)Manholes are round probably cause the lids of given thickness and area would need least material for round, and cause person or thing going through i t would have least chance of getting stuck at odd angles. And of course it is called manhole cause we are still majorly gender biased mcps. To designate human anatomy with reciprocal names, we would need to designate genders to street, road, sidewalk, highway etc first, so that we can similarly select masculine names and be happy mcps. but the procedure would be too tedious and fraught with controversies. thinking so they gave it up. then there was also the question of gender specific orifices which would further complicate matters. so they decided to be happy just with manhole.

5) Osama thing - every project has its estimates as well as schedule variance. variance is particularly high when there are lots of unknowns. it is upto us to keep the boss eating out of our hands and convince that all the uncertainities and delays are inevitable justified.

Of course if boss is not convinced, or if the project is actually huge, doesnt mean you will not get paid your monthly salary until the project is completed. of course your performance bonus might take a hit if boss not happy. Then of course the other aspect is, even if your tangible productivity is not high, the boss might pamper and keep you happy if no one else is gonna be able to do the job, or if there seems to be a future need, promise or hope from you. I don't think scenario with intelligence services will be any different.

ok i too have bored you enough i think ;)

ceedy said...


Thanks for clearing some confusion and creating new ones

Stupidosaur said...

any time bro ;)

what are the new confusions? (other than mu spelling)

rainboy said...

hehehe Cd is back :D

Scribblers Inc said...

THIS BLOG IS BACK! Whats up!! :D

Scribblers Inc.