Obama is the first African American to have won the Democratic Primaries. Hope he goes to win all the way.
There is a song - Yes, We Can! - Si, Se Puede! featuring a star cast, by will.i.am of The Black Eyed Peas and inspired by Barack Obama's 'Yes We Can' speech that was hosted on YouTube and has been watched 7.6 million times already.
These are changing times when yougsters are making a big difference in the outcome of an electoral process participating online and making their voices heard. This process also saw many great debates held by C.N.N. (link) where people hosted their questions on Youtube and candidates answered them on Live TV.
Though am not an American still, I support the nomination of this young charismatic leader - Barack Obama.
Also for a completly different reason - I like Bill Clinton - The Clinton Foundation - and the work he is doing all around the world.
I was lucky enough to be able to meet him for few minutes and shake his hands in September of last year. Here is the link to that post Surreal Bill from my archives.
So now hoping that Hillary Clinton does accept the post for running vice - president - a dual ticket - will really embellish this moment in history of United States.
Winds of Change
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everyone's talking about this....
hmmm ... i dont follow US politics much now .... but Obama did have my distant wishes with him :)
per me the state of Indian politics can change only when educated and young people enter politics .... so a young charismatic leader always gets a thumbs up from me :)
and thanks for sharing the less known side of Mr Clinton .... but comparison with GOD ?? thoda jyaada nahi ho gaya yaar ???
you caught the post in middle of the update...check it out again...
i dont support this dude. he has been caught wrong footed many a times...and i seriously feel he might be even worse than Dubyaman....
Hillary would have been good. she was passionate and enticed excitement....this dude is just a blabberer and i dont think so he would make much of a difference and god forbid if he wins, it wud augur bad for our IT industry.......
so he shud perish!!!
It was the same euphoria when Rajiv Gandhi was a candidate in India....yes WE can make a difference....but in India it can be a tough with rampant corruption. I cant say much as have been away so long...but this is what I hear.
About the "god" part - dont take it literally. It is more of a spritual experience that I am describing - you have had to be there to understand what we all in the crowd felt - and for me any human who makes a difference to someone's life forgetting his personal interests - is akin to "GOD" - it can be you too....
I wont argue at your inclination to either candidates as that is a personal choice and understanding.
Comparing any leader to Bush is basically Harakiri and naive.....
and personally "god forbid if he wins, it wud augur bad for our IT industry......." - this is a very myopic and self centered statement...putting ones interest before the interests of lots of others...no matter who you support
in that case ... i strongly agree with that theory of yours .... any +ve difference to any ones life ... thats surely an act that would merit my heartfelt appreciation too ....
abt the state of indian politics .... its improving at snails pace .... but yea its improving :)
i am as glad as u for his victory!!
this man gives me a lotta hope!
Obama is great!!! I met him in Louisville, KY while he was giving his speeches!! Very wise...
I will stand behind him. He needs to not let Hillary get near him at all.. She has proven through this campaign she is so not fit for the job! Great Post Ceedy!
I dunno wat to comment here, but the tag has been executed mate...
Politics...not interested at all.
wow... u met Clinton!!!
i really like him besides all the ppl hating him.... but really he has worked a lot!!!
and he was far far better than Bush!!!
Go Obama!!! :-)
I love Bill Cinton... we got him to come to our university in april... i got a chance to sit down and talk to him after his speech... it was great :-)
I only wish he could run for president again :-)
Well... I am happy for one thing..I have no idea abt :)
I just am happy for him :) i dnt knw..of all i have heard and read... i always thought he desered to win..neways i hope... there is "Change" that he talks so much abt!
and Yes! We Can!
For some reason, I too want him to win, not that his win will make him the first Arfican-American to be the President, neither that his win will mark a day in history of how the white americans have probably come over their much talked about racist issues.
Maybe I'd like him to win just coz we all want to see a change, as for what kinda change..I dunno..its just a positive feeling.
Apart from all the scandals that have hogged Clinton's limelight in his presidential career we cant really ignore the fact that he has been responsible for a lotta good that came america's and humanity's way.
Hillary's strategies have all fallen flat on face, majorly since she has banked on money and ppl who wil be loyal to her rather working out on getting ppl who can strategise better for her campaigns and stuff. She's shown bad light for a president already. What more is left to prove ?
Obama seems to deserve it too. I wish him luck.
Ok !
I just noticed after reading my comment that I made a speech akin to some political analyst and that I know all about Hillary and Obama !!!!
LOL !!!
Polly doesnt Tick me but I like Obama better than Hilary. :)
it is gonna b the same
more wars.. more promises and less work..
but in present world order..obama is better suited tha hillary
i hate politics, id have to think to ans whoz india's president..but hvg V arnd n the fact that this was and might continue to be one of the most interesting elections America has ever had...ive been followin this on n off.
i hvnt studied much..but just listenin to conversations of people around me n some news on tv..i was v.v.v confused between Hillary n Obama. I genuinely find it hard to pick 1 of the 2.
Now hv u noticed the pattern of ppl voting for hillary or obama...all that i hear is 1st female president or 1st Black president. so much for the super power of the world!!
now i dont think u'll dispute that these are the wrong reasons to choose a president!will u?
This is the 1st political topic that fascinates me so much n tht i knowo sumthing abt...so i can go on endlessly!
Will come back to post a comment abt the choice of VP.
am a supporter of obama too!..lets pray for his success!!!!
Way To Go...
@ Pavi,
Educate me too!
I agree with you that that's all that we hear about. People want to make history by creating world records, I guess.
BLAH! I will start following this the day I can vote here. Till then, will be happy and merry in my la-la land. No point creating such a hue and cry over something that I am not part of. It will affect me somehow, I know. But that I cannot help!
I agree with Cindy,the guy simply has a positive aura!
May the best man win :)
It will be an interesting election for sure...:). we have an old school vs new school.
Barack needs clinton to pull it off...After all she has 18 million suporters behind her....
Obama-Clinton is so called "dream ticket" if that happnes its unbetable pair....:).
barack needs so called "swing" states(ohio,penn,misouri....etc) and hillary can help.
I was impressed by his primary wins in IOWA, South Carolina(extremely difficult states to win for minority candidate).
McCain on the other hand has perfect resume one can ask for....being the poster boy (war veteran so called POW perfect American).
My vote goes to Barack Obama...he has convinced me as an average american that his plans will help me.( more then current president what a waste man!)
glad to hear that..its improving...I hope it surely does...to an extent that we all feel proud of it - what say?
yes and lots of are with him....but to get a better picture read KP's comment - it summarizes everything very well....
first of all thanks for "great post" - all I did is collect the facts :)
i think the dream ticket is what will be the way to go as I feel it will be difficult for him to tackle McCain alone. Also she did have almost half the support...
lets see what happens...and today I will not call you blond...cause this was a intellignet brunette comment :P
@princess mia
ok cool - will check it tho not earlier than Monday
@comment deleted
I know what you wanted to say and its fine to have an opinion - why delete it....its a free world!!!
Thats Ok I guess! Will catch up with S&S next week...
yeah - though only for a brief moment....
well I really admire him - and what he is doing through his foundation
he is one person who knows the significance of the power that has been bestowed upon him....the others are Bill Gates and BONO
you have similar sentiments that many share - re run for clinton...
yeah it was really inspirational to meet him and i hope you found that too!
* I am happy for one thing..I have no idea abt :)*
you always make me smile - simple honest statement...love it!
well many are hoping but read KP's comment below - it summarizes everything well!
Honestly you do know a lot even though this does not directly relate to you...
Well read KP's comment below - it summarizes everything well.
About the color - black issue - think of a bigger picture....
Most blacks or hispanics or dalits for that matter in India - kill their dream even before dreaming..cause they just fear oppression and hatred....thus if a black does become president of the "assumed" most powerful country (economically this fact holds true) - think of the empowerement it will give to all those who think that its not possible to do something...
for me that is the change which is most important.. and same goes with Hillary...but in her case its only US that will realize the potential of the women...at this time there are 12-14 women leaders all over the world....
cool...lets see what transpires!
@the day dreamer
well thats the way the world has come to be....but then we all have hope...
yes there were lots of demonstrations all around the world....after the war of Iraq had started...and here too in the US and with the advent of the internet - these are the people making a difference...thats what is interesting
Well you cant really hate it (ignore maybe) - cause it is one of the most important factor of how the world operates - and the desicions of people in charge percolates to every facet of the society...
I absolutly agree that "black" or a "women" is by no means a way to pick a candidate...but that is mass media's projection...but if you look at the bigger picture (see my response to cinderella above)...this makes some about of sense to me....also read KP's comment below - it summarizes everything very well....
and will wait V choice and your response to Solitaire
cool...hope it works!
@am in trance
cool and thanks!!!
I will wait for Pavi to interject.
Meanwhile read the comments/response with Cinderella, Pavi and KP if interested....
Will just add this...the people at the helm make a big difference to the way a country operates and specially how its people feel...and the entire economy...yes you may not want to know the biographies of each candidate...but I think awareness of general scenario is necessary...
it will and does affect everyone...
cool...also read other responses if you like!!!
Thank you for your indepth summary of the entire scenario...
have told many readers to read your comment...
this is indeed a very interesting election and I am ready for prime time...coming next month....
Obama is a good candidate. I doubt if Hillary will become VP... Let's see how it unfolds.
mark my word as soon as oil reaches a new height in price..Iran will be American warhead's prime target..
none can stop that..becoz it will be all about who will control the last few drops of oil...
LOL Ceedy!! you are a mess! I am brunette today! wow!! I think all brunettes should be blonde!!!
IT would be so cute for everyone to have those Blonde moments.. PLUS!!!! I have not had that many in along time.. It must have been VEGAS!!
I feel like a layman to everything else in world except cinema. :(
@ Ceedy,
NOT interested. Sorry.
@ Sutta,
That's good. Its great to be a master of one trade!!
I just read KP's comment.And yeah, that was so true ! They do kinda need to soar it together.
The change i was talking about was exactly as you mentioned. It will be a bulldozer effect from the empowerment point of view. All over the world. Also wouldnt it eradicate America's so called racist rationales ?
Thwe sad thing about India is, istead of coming over their own apprehensions and trynna fit they will ask for a reservation ,and well, they wil get one too ! Where from the progress is gonna come ? Where from can we then talk of empowerment ? The cliche will always be there, if you're making a place for yourself with the help of a stupid quota !!!!
We need to get rid of our obsessions crutches.
not a keen follower, but liked Obama more then Hillary...
i saw d secret!!
thanku so much fo telling me about it!!
helped loads!:)
@ceedy....lol....oh man I read my own comment, and I sound like Political analyst, may be I shud Apply for job in CNN....lol
I am looking forwarrd to their debates...that would be an Interesting one for sure.
he lets wait and watch...might be the best thing to watch on TV in the coming months
@day dreamer
its a possibility...but I hope not a reality...but one never knows....
oh...I agree...those moments are bliss...get them often....:)
shabat shalom - friday...enjoy it
thats good that you know and are focused on doing that ONE thing
also train yourself to bear the consequences on your own and not seek solace from others
Thanks for the response..
You raise an interesting point...but also you have to realize we have 4 times the population and 1/8 the land...of that of US...and to be able to manage a country is also a big task...so there are going to be those IFS and BUTS but they are better than having civil wars....
@d sinner
will wait and watch what happens
hey no problem....hope you are able to follow some of it...
I tried but you know how it is....
Dunno about a political analyst but atleast a systematic managerial point of view....
well yes me too looking forward to the debates...
@Ceedy: I think ur saying it wrong. u probably mean i can hate it but not ignore it ..'coz yes decisions made at that level effect all n sundry!
I said i hate it 'coz i blv it is hard n almost impossible for any1 to enter the field of politics and do only morally rite things.Its a field in which dirty games cant be avoided.A field in which lies must be spoken n people must be fooled.Anyway,I shldn't digress.Tthat probably calls for discussion of an entire new topic ..mabbe another post
I u'stand ur response to cindrella n i think ur right..if the United states has a black president..it ll open several brains!This should not be the way such changes are brought abt but well sumthing better than nothing.
luckily the "black" and "female" president contesters are good..o/w it wld have been pathetic to see ppl vote for those reasons!
u know the day when it was obvious that obama won..should have been Obama's day of glory n thts all every1 shld hv been talking abt...but there were several channels talking abt Hillary n her next steps! she stole a huge amt of attention. it dint feel like obama's day 'coz every1 was discussing if Hillary will pull out of the elections. n that i think is her charm n smartness!
i read Kps post..n agree to most of it except one thing..ie the unbeatable pair!
so 1st abt Mccain- really donno much abt him.so i wont say anything . But one thing i know for sure..i dont think its a smart idea for republicans to be back in power! Bush or no Bush..democrats is the way to go for America now.
now abt the VP...
Based on wat i see n hear..a lot of ppl are gonna be rejudiced tht Obama is black..so he must have a white vp! (sad huh!)
- my 1st thot..i mean back when it all began was tht obama+clinton make an idea comby! i cldnt decide who shld be P n who VP.
But if u think over it..they are both strong headed ppl. Wont they have clash of ideas n opinions?i think there'll be plenty of clashes !
- n then therz John Edward.White. But he obvsly wants the position desperatley, which is why he declared which party he supports so late!
There was an article in TIME few issues ago that wrote about Obama's rise and must say it was truly impressive, beating the odds.
Yep, I have a soft corner for him too and hope he WILL BE the next prez.
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you have been Tagged :D !
Naaanuj che ! try karje :)
Any one can win. But I just wish the change should not impact much. I doubt two things If he wins, one is racism and other is impact on IT industry. Otherwise, its good to have a young leader with fresh ideas.
He is *half* black. Cannot understand the reason why people would like to point on the fact that he is *African American*, rather than also see that he is half white too.
I was hoping Hilary wouldn't accpet.. and thank god... she didn't.
Obama and she, well, they have very different visions.. or rather, the paths to reach a common goal perhaps?
So he will need to choose someone who shares his ideals - not someone he'll have to fight every inch of the way
POlitics somehow acts very strange on my brains....can never understand the beginnings of it. But I somehow like This Obama guy...could be some connection ;)
Lets see what happens?
whoever wins the US presidential race, they'll never stop posing as the "big brother". everyone talks abt reforms but no one takes any measures after the elections....
let's hope this guy does anything good like calling me up n saying "satish, read ur comment on the revered ceedy's blog. will mail u ur H1 details. nice meeting you".... ;)
ceedy bhai, main jaanta hoon ki tu mujhe maarne ke liye bahut tadap rahe ho. but u can't catch me so easily....
wow - thats is an indepth comment and lots of questions...
had been away...will respond in detail today evening....
just shows we can hate it but cant avoid it :) (my bad there!)
Yeah...hope..he can deliver what he says...
many here are skeptical as Politicians "change" once in power
ok bud...checked it...will take it up!
checked it...will take it up...you will be disappointed tho!!!
I am off any books related to architecture....
dont worry much....whoever wins you will still be here :P
good point....dunno why?
hope now he delivers if he wins...this will be an interesting race to watch
its common with many people to not like "politics"....its just the way it is...
have been away and busy (summertime :))...will catch up on the blogs soon...
well HOPE is what he is preaching and HOPE is what people are banking on
Agreed - the "big brother" is going to happen but with Euro getting stronger...US might loose its footing there...see the latest GDP ratings..
also as felt by many here...everyone is skeptical if he will deliver once he wins...lets see
OK if Obama does call me...then the first thing I will do is to get my legal status straightened dude....then I can sponsor you ;)
And mujhe chane ke zaad pe mat chada *revered* - tujhe yeh bahut bhari padega :P
marne ke liye tadap...choote kyu - tune aisa kya kiya???
and for your last statement - have you seen the movie "Catch Me If You Can?"
u really met him????????
At the first part you are right - my bad there
Its interesting you brought out a point *field of politics and do only morally rite things Its a field in which dirty games cant be avoided* Saw Sarkar Raj yesterday and there is a very interesting dialogue by AB (from memory) - To kill is life (for goons) but when to kill is politics....
About the "black" and "female" discussions, I agree - but having followed the American media and the psyche and the local news for past few years...I can tell you - they love the negative crap more than positive news....they have this whole aura of "NIMBYISM" which makes them feel better and safe....and I do hope Obama does come out of this shadow...thats smg I an anxious to see..
Well this election is not easy still..with Mc Cain being in the fray - who he choses as his running mate...and same with Obama....
But I think personally a group of people with difference of opinions and ideas who are mature enought to debate its pros and cons are much better than a bunch of "ji hazoor" type coterie...Something which Bush had - where everyone close to him who later resigned probably knew he was making things up but never uttered a word against him earlier....
Overall - besides this whole mundane election talk....philosophically I love this....think of historians jotting this era down 50-70 years later...how media and people participation brought about a new awareness - which in that era might be an assumed thing....just like email and blogging have been assumemed by us....
we are part of this historical moment....even tho will always remain unwritten :)
met clinton? yes
The exact translation of the sentence from the movie Sarkar Raj is
"To kill is a crime, but to kill at the right time is politics"
noted and stated by Ankur...
Thanks Ankur!
@Ankur n Ceedy: just saw sarkaar over the wknd. Wtg to see sarkaar Raj!wld u recommend it?
@Ceedy: yes agreed! it is interesting times indeed!
If you liked Sarkar - you will like Raj...
yeah black prez and a woman as his aide..a white woman... i will believe that the american dream indeed is true!!... though the other candidate with his anger problem has a point to prove too...i like his unbashed patriotism for which he is ready to give up his campaign..atleast if ell so from what i know after reading the this onths rd..indian edition
n Hillary is not the VP :( After hearing yet another speech of hers last nite..im so truly dissapointed that she din't win :((
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